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Dressed in White Page 19

  “Sorry, I’m in a helicopter above the ranch. There’s a car down there. Is that you, or any of your people?”

  “No. We’re on another case. Do you want me to send a unit?”

  “Could you?”

  “Sure, hold on.” I hear him on the police radio contacting dispatch. “Done. A unit is enroute with a 10 minute ETA.”

  “Thanks very much!”

  “You certainly get around.”

  “I do, don’t I?” I flick an appreciative look at Quinn. Damn, I’m doing well for myself.

  We move off. I watch the ranch with the binoculars he has behind the seat. He establishes a wide orbit and watches the airspace, while I look down.

  I can’t get a license plate, it’s too far away.

  “Two people are coming out of the house. What are they doing in there?” I flick a quick look down the road to see if the police are coming. Yes, here’s one unit.

  I pull out my cell and call dispatch to let them know there are two suspects walking from the house to the barn. I don’t want a one-man unit taken by surprise.

  “Roger. I’ll notify the unit and send backup.”

  A few minutes later, here comes the second unit. The two confer down the street, then proceed to the ranch.

  The two officers park close to the barn. The two possible suspects come out a few moments later. The only thing happening is two men facing the deputies. Oh, now I see two people being searched for weapons by the deputy.

  My phone rings. I wouldn’t be able to hear it, but I have it in front of me so I can see the screen. It’s Deputy Ken—my former almost-boyfriend. The sexy man who had amazing driving skills when we were being chased by bank robbers. But he also likes his other girlfriend and wasn’t willing to give her up for me.

  “Is that you up there?” he asks.

  “Yes. I was in the neighborhood and saw the car. I’m skittish these days.”

  “Do you know anyone from Reno?”

  “NO!” Reno—more of them.

  “One has a felony warrant. He’ll be coming with us. Thanks for my felony arrest for the day.”

  “What is it for?”

  “Attempted murder. 664/187 PC.”

  “Hell. I’m glad I wasn’t there. Thank you!”

  “Got yourself a new beau?”

  “I think so.” I hope so.

  “Let me know if you need anything else.”

  “Thanks, Ken.” I click off.

  Quinn reaches over and squeezes my thigh, “Yes, you got yourself a new beau.”

  I grin and look at him. “I’m glad!”

  “I want to know why those two are down there when I had a talk with C. He said he’s pulling them back home.”

  “Either he lied, or these guys didn’t get the message. Is that possible?”

  “I don’t think so. It looks like I’ll be taking a trip to Reno.”

  “Oh shoot. I hoped this was over. I don’t like you having to handle my mess.”

  “That’s what a beau is for, right?”

  “I’ll be in your debt forever.” That isn’t my favorite place.

  “Good. I like that.”

  I really am in his debt. He saved us from those other two last week. I would have had broken knees and more.

  “I’ll fly over Los Olivos. You can check out the bakery. I doubt there’s trouble in the middle of the day.”

  It’s busy. Lots of wine tasters are parked up and down the street. People are walking around. It looks normal.



  He sets down on the landing pad and lets the engine cool for a few minutes before shutting it off.

  “It’s a lengthy process to put this baby in the air,” I acknowledge.

  “It sure is, but I enjoy it—it’s worth my time.”

  He pulls off his headset, so I do the same. “Come on, let’s go in.” He reaches across me and pushes my door open.

  I undo my belt contraption, and slide out.

  “We can relax for a few minutes. I’ll be flying to Reno. On the way I’ll pick up my team. You should be safe here, but I’m considering whether you’re safe anywhere.”

  “Do you think they know where we are?”

  “Not yet. They might have a general idea after I speak with them. It may not end well.”

  “Not end well for who?”

  “For them, but it could go south for us.”

  “I hope not. It sounds nasty, but I wonder what would happen if Mr. C met with an accident?”

  He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. “That could be a problem. I hope it doesn’t go that far.”

  He releases my waist. “I’ll call him one last time.” He stops outside the hangar and redials the number from this morning. He puts him on speaker.

  “What were your men doing at the ranch?” He doesn’t bother telling C who’s calling.

  “It doesn’t mean anything, they didn’t get the message. My men obey orders.”

  “Yeah, I know they do. That’s why I think you had them try one more time.”

  “You saying I’m a liar?” he gets hot.

  “I’m saying you’re stretching the envelope.”

  He laughs. “Mr. Morrow, you have a good sense of humor.”

  “Yes, Mr. Coletti I do. But not with this woman.”

  “She means something to you?”

  “Everyone means something to someone,” he chuckles, agreeing. “It would be best if you leave her alone.”

  There’s silence. Mr. C must be debating.

  “I’ll let it be known,” he agrees.

  “I appreciate that,” he clicks off and looks at me.

  “Do you actually believe him?”

  “No, but if I told him I’d kill anyone he sends, it would force his hand. It’s a deadly dance, and it’s beginning to piss me off. I’ll dance for a while to see if he’s agreeable. But you stay away from the ranch for a while, even though you can’t hide forever.”

  “His guys are dying and going to jail. I wonder when he’ll move on to someone else. It all began with getting Tony to repay him.”

  “Have you tried contacting the guy’s wife?”

  “No, but that’s a good idea. I only know about him through my trail rider. I’ll start there.” I text Alyssa my brief, but powerful, request.

  Gotta love texting. She replies instantly. “Oh my God—I’m sorry I got you into this. I’ll tell Melani to get in touch with you ASAP,” she puts a smiley face and horse emoji at the end.

  Quinn has office work to catch up on. I have nothing to do but walk around the property. I know Scott fed the horses this morning because I saw them eating from piles that would have been gone if he hadn’t.

  Finally, a ding from who I hope is Melani: “We should talk. Would you like to call me at your convenience?”

  “Yes, thanks. How about now?”


  She picks up on the first ring. “Hello, Jessica?”


  “Alyssa told me what’s going on at your end. I had no idea.”

  “Right, I was nearly mangled for life. I need to find Tony. I don’t want to turn him in, but I have to get out of this.”

  She sighs. “He called me last night. He told me about his debt. He didn’t mention his little plaything. I appreciate you finding out about her.”

  “You’re welcome.” I pause half a second, “Is there any way you could pay off that bill. Maybe take it out of his divorce settlement or something.”

  She laughs. “It would be far cheaper if they kill him. I wouldn’t have to pay anything.”

  She’s probably joking, so I go along. “But let’s say they don’t kill him. He’ll be screwed up for life, and the judge may feel sorry for him being unable to work, and give him a boatload of your money.”

  “Good point,” it sounds like she’s thinking.

  “Can you make a contract with him? You’ll pay it off, if he agrees not to go for alimony?”

  “The t
hing is, we have a prenup. He agreed to several things, one of which is he gets nothing if he cheats.”

  “Oh. Well—how to you define ‘cheat’?”

  Another deep sigh. “I’ll get stuck paying him something. I like the idea of having him agree to walk if I pay it off. I could make out better that way,” she sounds intrigued.

  “Do you know how to reach him?” Dare I hope?

  “Yes. But he also wants his plaything rescued. He said she’s a business associate. Claims he’s working on a new project—what a crock.”

  I’m quiet. I don’t want to rock the boat now that she’s going with a good plan.

  “I tell you what. I’ll send the jet for him, but I’m not taking her.”

  “If he cares, he may not leave her. On the other hand, you’ll find out what kind of man he is.”

  “I already know. He’s a wuss,” she sounds disgusted.

  “When are you speaking with him?” It’s time to get this rolling.

  “He’ll call when he can get a phone,” she snorts.

  “Ok. I’ll be waiting. Thank you for doing this. I’d like to get back to normal.”

  “Yeah, I hear you. I want him out of my life too.”

  We end the call, and I dash in to find Quinn.


  The Plan

  It’s after 6 p.m. and I’m wound up tight. My phone is at my side, but I’m only getting texts from Nikki telling me about her new job. The horses leave the ranch tomorrow. I’m going nuts watching TV. Even the Hallmark Channel is failing to interest me—I don’t need it now I have a hunk of my own.

  Quinn is in a holding pattern to see if he needs to fly. His guys are also waiting. Come on!

  At just after 7:00 Melani texts me. “He won’t leave her.”

  I immediately call her. “No way. I thought he was a weak wuss?”

  “He may be playing hardball, or maybe he cares about her. Our plan won’t work.”

  We’re both silent.

  “Can I take her, and you take him?” I suggest, in desperation.

  “You’ll be involved again.”

  “I’m already involved.”

  “I’ll ask him. He said he’d give me a few minutes to think about it.” Her voice shrieks. “Can you believe him giving me an ultimatum?”

  “The asshole.” I resort to my favorite descriptor.

  “I’ll wait until he calls back, then I’ll see if I can set up a time you can rescue his bimbo. How about if Tony calls you directly?”

  “Fine, have him call me. I’ll go get her, but then what do I do with her?”

  “I assume, take her wherever he wants. I’ll let you know.”

  We end the call and go back to waiting for Tony.

  I head to the office to let Quinn know the latest.

  He’s at his desk writing something in an open file. I relate the latest information.

  “I’ll fly her anywhere, just to get rid of this problem,” he looks more tired than earlier.

  I bring up Google maps. “It’s 332 miles from Santa Ynez to Napa. How far can you fly in one sitting? That seems like a long haul. By the way, you look worn out. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “I’d like a good night’s sleep. It’s been a long week,” he puts down his pen and leans back in his heavy chair.

  I walk around the desk and run my fingers across his head and down his neck. Then back up, through his hair and down to his shoulders. He takes a deep, relaxing breath.

  “I’m sorry you’re involved with my problems.” I feel guilty about it.

  “Don’t worry, I like a challenge.”

  “Yeah, but not all at once,” I continue with my not too vigorous shoulder massage.

  My cell rings: Melani. “This is the situation: He will sign a contract saying he waives 500K in a divorce…”

  “Terrific,” I jump in immediately.

  “But let me finish, only if we take her too. I’m not letting that bitch step foot in my jet.”

  “I can offer her a short ride with my friend. How about to the Santa Barbara airport? She can catch a flight out. He has a helicopter and volunteered to take her.”

  “Get her out of here? Like, permanently?” She likes the idea.

  “Oh for goodness’ sake, not like that.”

  “I can hope, right? Anyway, I’ll ask if that will work for him.”

  “I don’t want my friend in the way of gunfire. So how about if we do it at different times? She can call your husband and let him know she’s on board, going home.”

  “I’ll get back to you,” she clicks off.

  This is exhausting. I slouch down on Quinn’s guest chair. I’m considering possibilities. It’s hard to deal with this through an intermediary.

  Quinn is watching me. I’d like to ask what he’s thinking, but I decide he can think what he likes. I’ll give him space for his own thoughts.

  My phone again. “They’re at Mavericks Saloon in Santa Ynez. Do you know where that is?”

  “Yes.” But I’ve never been there.

  “I’m getting Tony a ride to the airport tomorrow morning at 6:30. I’m having my attorney write up a contract before he sets foot on my jet.”

  “And the woman?”

  “She can rot. But I assume you mean how you get her?”

  “Yes.” It doesn’t require a degree to figure that out.

  “If you get her out of the saloon at the same time, she’ll have access to your phone. Tony will be with my people, so they can confirm with each other they’re being picked up. My pilot will lift off at 7 a.m., that woman can go at the same time.”

  “My friend doesn’t want to be in the same vicinity as Tony.”

  “Fine. I’ll call my idiot husband and let him know.”

  Ten minutes later she calls back.

  “He won’t go unless she gets on the plane first. I checked flights out of Santa Barbara and there’s one at 8 a.m.”

  “Ok, we can pick her up at 6:30 a.m. and get her to the airport in time for check-in. Tony leaves on your jet at 8:15?”

  “I don’t trust him. I wonder if he wants her safe, then when she is, he won’t sign my contract,” she ponders.

  “No, he wants to get away from here. He has nowhere to stay—he’s being stalked.”

  “You’re right,” she concedes. “But I’m not paying a driver to pick up that slut.”


  “Can’t you add that to the cost you deduct from your husband?”

  There’s interminable silence. “Fine. I’ll send a car for her too, but I’m not happy.”

  “So my friend will be at the Santa Ynez airport at 6:30 a.m. in his helicopter to fly her to Santa Barbara. Does that work?”


  “Great. Call me if there’s a problem. Otherwise, we’ll talk when they’re in the air.”


  I sag down. Quinn comes over and reaches out his hand. “Ready to call it the end of a day?”

  “Yes.” I reach up and let him pull me to my feet.


  It Goes Awry

  I’m finally in my REM sleep. My ringing phone jars me awake. Quinn is going to hate me. I answer it with a groggy “Yes?”

  “Jess, this is Nicole. I’m sorry to call you.”

  “Oh.” Who is Nicole? “Who is this?”

  “Nicole. Tony’s fiancé.”

  “What’s wrong?” There has to be something wrong.

  “Two men are looking for us. Can you come earlier?”

  “How early?”

  “Right now.”

  Geez. This isn’t going the way we planned.

  “Tell her yes,” Quinn mutters.

  “Fine. Where are you?”

  “At Mavericks Saloon. I borrowed a girl’s phone to call you.”

  “Where are the men?”

  “In the parking lot in front. Tony is hiding inside.”

  “How do you know they’re there?”

  “We were hanging out in the pa
rking lot and saw them drive by.”

  “Can you hide? A car will be picking you up at 6:15 tomorrow morning.”

  “I’m not hanging around here waiting to be gut-shot,” she snaps.

  “Fine. I’ll pick up both of you. Go to the ditch across the street. I’ll be driving my white truck.”

  Quinn nudges me, “Drive my car, it’s less obvious.”

  “Hold on,” I tell her. “Sweetie, your car is NOT less obvious.”

  “It’s dark and it goes fast. Your truck sticks out like a sore thumb.”

  “It’s horse country. No one will notice it.”

  “These guys aren’t horse people. They will notice it,” he insists.

  “Kids, can we get back to me!” Nicole hisses.

  “Fine, I’ll be driving a black BMW, something fast and sleek. Meet me there at midnight.”

  “Ok, I’ll see you in 90 minutes,” she clicks the phone off.

  “I’m driving. You drive like an old lady,” Quinn gets out of bed in a hurry.

  “No, you can’t come. You have to fly her out a few hours later.”

  “I could fly her out from here.”

  “No, don’t even think of bringing her to your safe place. I’ll get her, then do something. I don’t know what. The town closes down. We’ll be the only car on the road, besides the assholes.”

  “Maybe they’re going to a hotel?” He suggests.

  “I bet they live on caffeine, and they’ll keep looking.” I’m sitting up, thinking fast. “Wait. I’ll drive her to Santa Barbara. That way we’re out of the area. Melani’s jet could land there to pick up Tony, and she can get on a commercial flight.”

  “If you can get hold of the wife, otherwise leave it.”

  “Fine. I’ll leave it. Maybe I’ll take him to Santa Ynez airport on the way.”

  “I wouldn’t. Don’t deal with both. Just get her out of there.”

  “Ok.” I let him make the decision. My brain isn’t thinking too well, and maybe his is.

  Quinn backs the car out of the garage and has it idling for me while I use the bathroom. It’s funny, I might have to drive like a lunatic to escape from the bad-guys, and he thinks I can’t back it out of the garage.